Money Blocks

Money Blocks

Money blocks are simple, they are all beliefs. Beliefs are extremely powerful; ninety percent of beliefs are programmed into your subconscious mind in childhood, although they can be programmed in as an adult but not as easy. Some beliefs are, I am not good enough, if you are not good enough then it is almost impossible to have money, I can't afford it and if you believe you can afford things it is almost impossible to have enough money and if you believe there is not enough money than it is almost impossible for you to have enough money. Those are just a few beliefs that keep people from having money and the things they want. There are thousands of negative beliefs that keep people from having the money they deserve. This is an easy solution for Hypnotherapy, the client is just regressed back to where the belief was programmed in and either deleted or changed to a positive belief like, "there is more than enough money."


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